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*This is the site I made while job hunting in fall 2018, now saved for posterity.

Makoil / Stone Cabin Resources LLC

07/2016 - 10/2018

  • Office responsibilities and accomplishments:

    • Built a digital archive of well logs and operations documents which greatly decreased file search times.

    • Initiated a weekly report on field operations, which allowed for future predictions of oil shipments.

    • Complied monthly oil and quarterly water production reports for submittal to DOGGR.

    • Served as the point of contact for DOGGR, the Office of the Fire Marshal, the Santa Ana Water Resources Control Board and local companies.

    • Led the writing of a new Underground Injection Control Program application for a waterflood well.


  • Oil field responsibilities and accomplishments:

    • Day to day field operations, including maintenance of facilities and supervising oil shipments.

    • Analyzed and reported on the efficacy of different emulsion breaking chemicals.

    • Implemented a new Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan for the field and ensured all employees were familiar with it and enacted a new daily leak prevention checklist.

    • Preformed regular pump efficiency tests and used the results to monitor pump performance over time.


Big 5 Sporting Goods

10/2012 - 05/2017

  • For Big 5 I was a cashier and sales associate. I was the top employee in the store four years in a row for customer loyalty program sign-ups, and top in the district in add-on sales in 2016.

Search for Fault.png

Study of the kinematic indicators at the contact between the Monterey Formation and an unnamed sandstone beneath, in order to explain unit interactions in the Los Padres National Forest.

Study of the mechanics and timing of deformation bands in the Edna member of the Pismo Formation and how these bands control hydrocarbon migration through the sandstone. 

Student Research

With Dr. Nate Onderdonk from 07/2016 - 02/2017

With Dr. Rick Behl, Dr. Nate Onderdonk, Manuel Serrano and Justin Arakaki, from 03/2017 - 08/2017

© 2018 by Vanya Keyes

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